Right to Education
A student who lacks fund to continue his education can make use of Ekalaivaa!
Not just literacy, higher levels of education is the need of the hour. As per 2001 census, out of 56 crores literates in India, 14.5 crores literates drop out from ‘Below Primary school’ level and another 14.7 crores drop out from ‘Primary school’ level.
A student who lacks fund to continue his education can make use of Ekalaivaa!
Every child is special . You are even more special , as you are enabling a seed to grow and prosper.
You can see inner happiness and mental peace by selfless service.
If you are aware of a deserving student who wants to study, please inform them about these kinds of initiatives and encourage them to register for help.
If you are aware of a person who can join hands with us in our mentoring/tutoring activities, please refer us.
We can help the deserving needy child to study. Many kind hearted souls are there to lend their helping hands for education.
Volunteers take oath of secrecy and uphold the values of EKALAIVAA's objective.
A student is selected only after his/her background is thoroughly verified. Identity of the student will be kept confidential. Student’s performance will be monitored by coordinating with the institution coordinators at regular intervals. Funds collected will not be used for any administrative expenses or compensation. Absolutely ZERO overhead charges. Donors and public can view the audited financial sheet in the governance page of ekalaivaa.